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Mapbox Integration

The Mapbox integration in Consent Manager doesn't directly integrate scripts from Mapbox. Instead, it focuses on managing user consent for utilizing Mapbox maps and services within your application, ensuring GDPR-compliant usage.

Brand color#000000
Contrast color#fff
DescriptionWe use Mapbox to provide you a dynamic, performant and feature-rich experience with maps.
Privacy policy
Enabled by default⛔️

To control the loading of Mapbox map services based on user consent, you can utilize the useDecision hook from Consent Manager Core or the PrivacyShield component.

Example: Conditional Loading of Mapbox Services with the Privacy Shield Component

Here's an example of how you can conditionally load a Mapbox map component based on user consent:

import React from 'react';
import { PrivacyShield } from '@consent-manager/core';
import MapboxMapComponent from './MapboxMapComponent';

function MapWithConsent() {
return (
<PrivacyShield id="mapbox">
<MapboxMapComponent />

export default MapWithConsent;